Fun Math Activity Game For Kids
I truly enjoy creating new and fun ways for my children to learn. Instead of always buying the newest toy, I decided to start using things we already have in our home to help create new and fun ways to learn.

Take, for instance, this dinosaur math activity game I just came up with on a whim.
Since my children really like dinosaurs and they like to count numbers, I decided to combine those two to create this race dinosaur activity game using things we already had around the house.

The supplies needed are
Dinosaur toys
Counting cubes
Something to hold the cubes in
The items listed for supplies are what I have, but if you don't have these, that is totally okay. You can change out whatever I listed above to what you have in your own home to make this game work. This doesn't have to be a racing game. Each child can individually count the number accused each dinosaur needs and drive it over to them and unload. If your child is still grasping how to count, I wouldn't make it a race, as this would be unfair as they are still learning.

This game could also work with words. The possibilities are endless with this fun dinosaur math game.